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Our south side location, in between Gateway Boulevard and Calgary Trail, favours the commuter who wishes to pick up their order of freshly roasted coffee on the way home in Millwoods or south Edmonton. We encourage people to order in advance or give a standing order so that we can roast just enough to fill the orders. Typically we only have one or two bags of Honduras for spontaneous customers. We prefer to hand over the coffee on roasting day, not because we advocate consuming it so early but to give clients the option of when they wish to drink the coffee.
Remember that freshly roasted coffee gives off carbon dioxide which is denser than air therefore the bags should be kept upright so that the CO2 will force the oxygen out of the bag which reduces the staling (does not eliminate it but slows it down). Coffee has a shelf life similar to bread and milk. The resulting staleness does not make you sick but you lose out on the flavour. Another point is do not store your coffee beans in the fridge or deep freeze – they are the most humid places in the house. Granted chemical reactions are slowed down in the cold but that is meaningful near -270°C which is beyond the capability of nearly all domestic freezers.